It was tremendous to have this kind of celebrations in India. I strongly believe that this is start for the different view of India rather than any other sector having recogintion all the sector are being covered.
Politics: I am more happy that there was a category of Politics. This is truely indication of Indian Devlopment. I would see this oppurtunity as the competitive sporting spirit politics. Every politician should feel for these kind of awards. We rarely give awards to politics and this oppurtunity should be best time to all the politicians to compete in their feild with sporting and development spirit where they should be happy of loosing to better person. But never ever make it easy to win other person only in Ethical way and service oriented path. At the end of their politics they should only gain the pleasure of being politician and nothing materialistic should be left out with them. Because in service everything should be shed.
Sports: It was nice to see that Vishwanathan Anand the Chess King winning the Sportsman of the award. I believe no sportsperson of the cricket should be given a award because they are giving serivice to our health of having great emotions and keeping the nation intact in one reason. So cricket is not in sports category yes I do understand that they are being removed from the category of sports. But they are in the category of heart. I feel this is the only way we can really concentrate on sports which is the feild which can give lot of employment and can take some part of the monopoly of the entertainment field that is taken by Bollywood, Tollywood and other woods.
Business : Now that SBI has received the award they should try to keep that award in competing banks like ICICI which has more glamour compared to SBI. However we do agree that the service provided by ICICI is far better than SBI this inspiration need to be carried to another departments of the SBI. Here I have an idea of this transformation. In condition with the belief that possibly there are more taxes or less exemptions to ICICI when compared to SBI as SBI not being private sector bank. We can consider of having same exemptions and almost same policies as other best service provied bank but in lieu of their service to SBI. This would be having same callcenters for both the best bank and the SBI. This should be kept in rotation policy of changing the management of other bank so that same bank does not become monopoly. And then test the condition for few year and upon the results the policies can always be changed. In conclusion the award should just not be an award but it should become some booster to the working conditions of SBI.
Entertainment : I am happy to see that the method entertainment is seen was Good feeling probably I can only say that the jury was the best and we can only expect best out of it. Now I would like to say about the method it is viewed as the entertainment which could be really helped one of the back yard field (Womans Hockey) and not just the entertainment. But only disturbing feature was that there were not many real competitors I felt this was sad if the choice was really hard then I would have felt very happy. Lets hope for the better in the future. And this is major feild I feel because through which we can enjoy and as well put our hands for better cause of India.
Global Indian : The best thing I liked in this sector was that Mr.Sarin has said that "A Kid from Madhya Pradesh can do this I am sure every one can do this." So It is no more just a story where we should here, clap and forget it. But yes we have to think how we can become that kids. Every citizen must compete in their own ways in becoming that wonderful Kid.
Public Service : This is the wing in which there should lots of programs in the media. Only through we can remove this one or single person or single entity oriented society and through which we can gain the Indian devlopement rather than few indians Development. Probably by keeping Indian of the month for public service and they will be funded as well as rich people will where they really invest more of their excessive wealth. I have been seen the website but its been many days that there is no update in the section of "real Heros" of CNN IBN. There should be constant update in this section other wise who ever media makes king he will become king. But there are lot of other people are performing many tasks. It was very easy to select among very few. It should something like I am competing for the engineering Seat among 2 laksh people some thing like 5, 10, 20... is just really just not enough. I totally disagree that we are not even having people. Because if you put the journalist you can see them. please please please CNN IBN give more importance to this sector.
Hall of Fame : It is good to see that elderly person is also being honoured. We always require their guidance. I feel all the above writings are because of these elderly persons.
Indian of the Year : E.Sreedheran Great choice really travelling is the most important sector need to developed alot. I am right now in Germany which has world class Public transport. I know when I leave my place I know when I reach my destination. This makes our work in all the fields so reliable that we will start enjoying the work. Also it will decrease the burden on nature of unnecessary usage of private vehicles. There should be time plan scheduled should be layout for the entire country by when we can expect complete reliable trust worthy travelling will be done. It should be published so that every one the importance and schedules of it and every individual work for this cause. Only by this the devlopment will really be in placed and more structured. So we have the view now that we can do that and make this as Indian concept of the year for our future. This is entirely in the hands of I and we Indian Youth. Every individual is responsible for this.
In conclusion lets hope that CNN IBN can keep up its integrity and set standards of these awards. As it is in very preliminary stage. It should be taken as the news awards where we can know who and what they are doing.........
Jai Indian Devlelopment.