Hinduism - The way of Life. In Present day of India.

In this blog I am trying to express my knowledge on Hinduism.

"Hinduism" is the way of life and which only knows how to lead a life in a better way. Which involves lots of Science(Vedics in Sanskrit, all the literature in Sanskrit, Yoga, Ayurveda whatever in Sanskrit).
And this way of life is really well disciplined way. Now to demonstrate this I give a Good example. Some part of the German language structure is adopted from the language Sanskrit. Which also involves similar to Sanskrit in 3 genders(a small example in the language) and lot of structures in the language in forming big words. And through which the German language got developed. Which also has similar structures of wording and gender.

Coming to the people who use this language in Germany and neighbouring countries are known for their discipline. They have all the wisdom, knowledge, technology, culture and most importantly SCIENCE (Wissenschaft) in their language. Sadly Sanskrit did not developed further after it contributed to lot of languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada.. many more Indian languages.

NOW COMING TO THE INTERESTING THING.: Here in Germany people go to Jammu & Kashmir and many other remote places in search of old Sanskrit Science & Technology and digest that knowledge and use it their daily routine to have very disciplined and systematic life. They get "Prof" Degrees of doing these and if you see the history of Nobel prizes you will see how bigger is the number of German Nobel prize winners (recently the core design of IPod storage done by German Nobel prize winner physicist). These technology is taken by marketing countries such as US and market them (I am not accusing them which is also required to business get going. And also try to outsource them to countries like India, China, Romania etc). They do Yoga and there are Yoga centers which they do with German punctuality. I get buses, trains in times such as (15:16, 08:29, 14:34 and etc.. ) and rarely they fail this punctuality. Germany is a country which is almost in size equivalent to state of Old Uttar Pradesh.

Today you find beggars and poverty in countries like USA, China, Russia, India etc. because of huge disparity between poor and rich. But you don't find that in Germany because people obey in paying taxes and following rules within the time (really saying that it does not even happen so much in USA worlds big brother). Here you find all can feed themselves never a problem of having poverty. And so you find lower middle class to rich persons.

Of course, you find corruption but only at the higher level so for a common man who wants to lead normal life will never face corruption. But if he wants riches and cars and many other wants he can face corruption and I am sure will be doing corruption as well. But none for a common normal man. He is always secured by the government. Do not forget the status of the lower middle class man increases continuously.

I have taken word "Germany" just as an example.

I like my former President A.P.J.Abdul Kalam and Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee because they know this way of life and not because of their religions.

And none of the four castes (Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishyas and Sudra) in this way of life are minor or major. I have equal respect for all the four castes if they are followed in their real meaning which I say as formal way of following.

I was born as informal way of Vaishyas (informal way of following with heredity which I really don't like). But I would say my self as Brahman as of now because I am gaining Science and knowledge now. But I was previously in the caste of sudra while I was taking calls because it is a clerical job which is known repetitive job. And the team leads and Team managers I would call Kshatriya. And the Financial department as Vaishyas. You can called technical Leads as Brahman. These kind of modern attributes can be discussed and assigned with consensus. No one was less and always every one required in smooth running of company. I would be really happy if we start asking people, "Which caste are you NOW?" Rather than just asking Which caste are you? Irrespective of their religion. Hopefully people who understand this concept would follow this.

So I want to say that if you want to have this kind of life then follow the life with the "Technology of Hindu and Sanskrit" Otherwise as you wish. And one more thing is that "Hindu" should not be kept under word "Religion".

Trying to apply these things in present day of life.

Suppose we start recognising these castes in their formal meaning. Then for the political parties need to make a strategy for ruling the country does how many of Brahman or Kshtriya or Vyshya or Sudra. Need to make a count. When ever a person starts his life from birth he will not have any caste and starts his life with the caste of Brahmen till he completes his studies (He can study anything either sports or whatever according to his interests and suggestions from qualified and experienced teachers). And then he can choose his caste for any amount of temporary period. And the number of people should restricted by government. With a good strategy. He can always switch his caste. But he need to get registered. Every caste has its own advantages and disadvantages which he should decided according to his mood and mentality. However consistency will always be better. And always becoming Brahman should be a tough job.

Some suggestions to every caste:
Brahman: They should be given access to advanced things to develop countries research in each and every field. Right from rocket science to cleaning the roads or cleaning anything. They should always try to bring best and fast thing in their respective fields. His mentality should be flexible to grasp and observe and apply other field knowledge to his field.
Kshatriya: Always be brave enough to take any challenges in any field. And be as inspiring leaders. In whatever field they are.
Vyshya: Make sure that he coordinates with both the above two mentioned and Sudras so that all the others never have a problem of Finance. It means Brahmens are given good finance in their research but not to their luxuries and take care of them of accumulating them with luxury. If they do so change their status to Vyshya. If the are not performing in their place move to their suitable caste. None of the vyshya is minor or major. All the castes are required to the society.
Sudra: He should be always attentive so that he gives best service to the customer and make sure that other groups does not get any inconvenience. If the are really does not interest in doing their job due to any mental disturbances he should be given the possibility of moving into other caste which ever is required for the government and the development of the country.
Please post your opinions and expressions on this.

Thanks for Reading,
Kiran from Germany.


Very well Said. Mr. Kiran. I totally Conur with your views. I think this awareness and reasoning is something lacking in India. People will realize the true meaning of Hinduism, if they start learning the basic culture and Sanskrit. keep the good work going