Karnataka Win for BJP. General Elections calling....Rise to the occassion

First my congratulations to BJP that it could secure almost Majority seats in South Indian state.

I would term this occassion of BJP winning in Karnataka as the ringing bells in the Indian politics in a right way to proceed further viewing in worlds perspective. There are number of reasons for this ringing bells:

  • India moving towards becoming a world power any party or alliance are at the centre indicates that, India is becoming so strong it no longer depends on the politicians. Which is good symbol. But however no country will truely progress without politics. Such as the poverty and minimum needs of the people.

  • It is good thing to see that a party getting almost majority where again a Hung assembly was expected. But this is not sufficient to BJP they have to withstand the acheivment.

  • I have not seen till now a good sporing politics till now india. But yes I do believe it is only possible with BJP with the present existing parties because they have good system placed which is not monarchical form of politics.
  • But however I am still not even 10% satisfied with the party it could be many reasons such as till now not having clear mandate to them. But they have not utilised in the states where they have clear mandate. But a good system placed for them I wish them not to waste any more time in becoming from good party to great party.
  • They can become great party when they contest on the basis of what they are going to but not by critisizing the other party. Well for the countries like US developed countries it is quite OK to critisize other parties and win because there is nothing much left for the basic development. But for country like India there is lot scope for the basic development so it should concentrate on how they are going to tackle this issues.
  • BJP party should be lucky enough of having getting power back in country like India where just a face or name (gandhi parivar, rahul, rajeev ..... ) earn power. Instead a good structured party such as BJP does not earn power. So now there is a possibility that they might get this edge for the first time. They should try and convert the peoples mind in electing good governance party. Which demands extraordinary ruling. Other wise with out any thinking they will again elect another party which does not have power.
  • I am sure that Rahul gandhi is emerging as a strong contender in 2014 General elections. But he has only one man as him self. Even if he can change the structure I feel that is not the correct way of development because I believe every body should have that thinking and everybody should strive for the countries development. So it is in the onus of BJP to give a good ruling in the period of 2009 and 2014 so that it can defeat Rahul lead congress.
  • However it is good that young guy Mr.Rahul giving good competition but I want a party to win the competion rather than Rahul gandhi for congress. But in country like India it is simply difficult to happen so because people just try to elect some other party or go for the name of face charisma or look for possibilites of corruption. They should be tasted with the good governance in such a way that they should be afraid of leaving the good governance.
