Vegetable-selling IIM grad out to build Bihar brand

Please read this article in CNN IBN channel Vegetable Selling by IIM Graduate.

This is tremendous achievement for India. That its wisdom is utilized utmost. I do agree that students study in IIM by paying a good amount of money. But he should gain this money from the poor people of India. By bringing them to middle class. This is the challenge in the management that has to be done by the Great Managers of the Country. It can be either going into politics, going into small villages of the country, going into poor families. Making any extraordinary effort. It is a challenge to the minds that have come out of those Wise Institutes. There should be competition among all the IIM students about doing this extraordinary things. There should also be good systematic ranking among these students after performing these kind of work. And force the media to focus and earn money with these kind of news rather than presenting the news that they are getting paid more and more bigger amounts year by year.

I am 100 Percent sure new resurgent and young India will fulfill this dream. And so I am really not worried.

Thanks for reading.
