Sucides in Bangalore. SportIT

This blog is in reference to the article in CNN IBN " India's tech hub Bangalore is a stressed out city".

It is very sad to see this figures and this figures indicate lot of things in regard to our country. The following inferrences and suggestions can be made.

Why should be there so much disparity in the country ? Most of the IT projects are still attracted by the same cities (Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata.) in the country. We have 29 states and each state has a capital and why not other capitals are attracting the projects ?

This is a serious crisis situation. Because if this situation continues, we(India) will not develop properly. What happen to the other cities of the country ? Infact the oppurtunity has to be taken by the cities and other major towns of the country.

Today India is going forward in 2 things one IT and two Cricket. I believe these both has to be addressed in the similar manner. We need to eradicate the monopolies of the cities who have the IT power.

This will lead to lot of better things. The above sectors I mentioned are most glamours fields in present India. Both should have health competition.

I suggest that this can easily be done News channels. by keeping a fortnight program on these 2 things. You can take following creteria to make some good statistics and continue to help the development of the country.

  1. What are the requirements of these fields ? (take the examples from the present cities such as bangalore and others.) Compare with other cities.
  2. Why are people migrating to other cities and not staying their cities ? and towns ? How are difficulties increasing to the locals and how are the difficulties increasing to the cities which are not equipped with these fields.
  3. I believe this point should be taken importantly. Who are striving for the betterment of their cities their names in TV so that they get help from the people who are willing to help them.
  4. How can this program influence in developing the villages (as people stop migrating) take some examples to show it on TV so that people get confidence. If you are really not able to get them. Then I believe Indian journalism has to get trained.
  5. Please do not just use journalist for the information. Please put this project on to your website and advertise about this project. So that interested people can write about this and publish their statistics.
I am sure once we start thinking in this direction we will get lots of things to think and I am sure you can have lots of episodes.

In particularly take one city in one episode with each of the criteria. So that you can give good focus to every city.


By increasing sports the mental health remains very good and people don`t need to make sucides. Which in turn may get us more olympic medals.

I suggest the program name as "SportIT" a fortnight program. Hoping for considering the suggestion. You might cover 24 cities in a Year. So there will be lot of change I believe.

Hoping for the consideration of suggestion.

Thank You for Reading,

Ready to help whatever I can do.
