Sachin the MP

It is great to hear the news that Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar showed interest to become MP. In his life he always strive to become top most in the competition. And I assume he would try the same in his second innings i.e Politics.

Immediate results that can be seen with this step are :

  • People in India I mean lot of people in India who are cricket lovers will get back loosing trust in politics.
  • People in India would like to vote a bit more. I hope 56.97% of total turn out will increase first. I will only be happy if it increases to 80% and I am not ready for 79.9%.

However the challenges ahead are, if he would be able to give time to parliament ? I hope he is loyal to his job and completes the minimum attendance to parliament.

  • Will he be a good leader ?
    • Answer: Seeing the results of cricket he may not be a good captain here. But before asking this question we need to ask ourselves a question i.e is he a leader if he gets nominated as MP ? and the answer is NO. Because he just got nominated he did not contested. So this question should be asked when he becomes leader. Hear I am not trying to escape from this question but there many other things which needs to be concentrated and so I am not interested to invest time on this question.
  • What will be use ?
    • Answer: I am interested initially in the immediate results as described above. And also yes there is use of him becoming an MP.
  • Should we continue to support him if he selects one of the "x" political party ?
    • Answer: When he selects a political party there is no question of supporting him or not supporting him. We will have question will I support the party or not ? And also there could be a question will I support his decision or not ? And so we do not need to worry about the party he joins or selects.
  • How should we decide if he gave proper time to parliament or not ?
    • Answer: I would judge him after two years. If he fulfills his minimum attendance then I can assume he gave sufficient time. Also at least two decisions he has to take i.e stand by on two decisions publicly then I will think that he has given proper time.

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